
Review frequently asked questions and the badger tracker platform.

Issues with the Badger Tracker Platform?

The badger Tracker platform is user-friendly and easy to set up. If you're not finding what you are looking for on the badger tracker platform please reference the User Guides page by Navixy. This comprehensive breakdown should help solve many issues that may arise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I switch my plan type later?

Yes! You can use our self-serve portal to quickly change the billing from one type to another. Click on "Manage Subscription" in the top navigation bar to get started.

Can I change my billing information?

You can change your billing information in our self-serve portal. Click on "Manage Subscription" in the top navigation bar to get started.

How do I start tracking?

Firs, you need to select and purchase your plan type. After, you will enter the IMEI number located on the back of your tracker. After activation is complete, you will be redirected into the badger tracker platform to start tracking.

How do I know it’s tracking?

Make sure your unit is fully charged. After, place on your vehicle or object you want to track. After, you should notice the trackers location changing.